About this
My previous attempt at blogging was unsatisfying, to put it mildly. While I love the creativity that Twitter’s constraints breed, I want to exercise more of my brain.
By writing thoughts out and seeing if they make sense, I want to see if I can triangulate some beliefs. I wanted a place to burnish my thoughts so I can be sure of them. Plus, I get some writing done and don’t feel bad about myself for not getting writing done.
Am I capable of having opinions on things and updating those opinions over time? Some of these posts have been already edited several times because I disagreed with what I had written down. Dissent and confirmation are both equally valid products of this exercise.
I have a tendency to be covetous of my output. I am also risk averse so profligacy does not come naturally. Lately, I have noticed that I am more comfortable with being wrong.
Pretentious? Yes. Self-absorbed? Maybe. Wankery? Calm down.
I just know that I need to write.
About me
Short-term cynicism, long-term optimism.